Saturday, 20 December 2014

What does “freedom” mean to Americans?

What does “freedom” mean to Americans?
Freedom is defined as the ability of an individual to speak, act or do as he/ she pleases without hindrance from a foreign domination. It is a virtue earned by our founding fathers of this great Nation through the American constitution. Courtesy of freedom, the American citizens can move freely, marry without restrictions, own property, elect leaders etc. hence making them live a fulfilling life. Amar Reed states that that, “Freedom is enhanced by two core values: respect and diversity”[1] (Amar 37). The American society is diverse in respect to religion, cultural background, race and personal interests; hence there is need for respect between two individuals. The respect between individuals embraces diversity thus leading to harmony in the society. Unlike many countries, the United States’ citizens experience one of the best freedoms in the world. The freedoms and rights are included in the constitution under the bill of rights.
Freedoms in the United States
In the 10th amendment of the United States constitution, the bill of rights was included so as to protect individual rights of every citizen. In this bill, the authorities were restricted from infringing into personal rights hence creating a free and conducive environment for the American public. The American society enjoys the following freedoms:-
Freedom of religion
Every American citizen has a freedom to be of any religion because the constitution recognizes the existence of several religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Hindu etc. Therefore, the society is not forced into a specific religion: for example, in some Middle East countries; the government has restricted the religion of its citizens thus the inhabitants of such places do not enjoy the freedom of religion like the American people.
Freedom of movement
The freedom of movement allows the American citizens to move and settle in any state without restrictions. This is not the case in some parts of the world where by the not only the government can restrict movement but also the security situation. For example, in Somalia, the freedom of movement is restricted due to insecurity in that region. However, this freedom can be limited in the event of a criminal offence whereby one would be required to reside in a state prison. Elaine Landau in her book civil rights movement states that, “the American society has learned to appreciate its freedoms such as the freedom of movement within states”[2] (Landau 45)
Freedom of press
The press is an important tool in the delivery of information to the public. Therefore, it is required to be independent from the influence of the authorities or any other influential person so that the public can receive real information. This has been made possible courtesy of the American constitution which provides for freedom of press. Though this freedom can be limited for security reasons, press freedom is an essential tool in the representation of people’s views.
Freedom of speech
With the help of freedom of speech, any individual is therefore free to criticize the government’s actions without being victimized by those in authority. The freedom of speech has helped to keep check in cases of corruption and misuse of government funds by some public officers. In some countries, activists have had to serve long terms in jail for speaking against the authority. Therefore, freedom to American people means having the right to criticize those in authority.
Freedom to choose good governance
The constitution provides for a democratic form of government; whereby there is rule of the people, for the people and by the people. The public is therefore not forced to vote for a specific candidate because the decisions are made independently by an individual.  George Bush and Joy Hakim state that, “through democracy, the American society has had their rights and freedoms respected by the leaders” [3](Bush and Hakim 101). Therefore, the American system of governance is characterized with much freedom that makes it an example of a successful democracy.
Right to privacy
The constitution provides that the authority should accord every citizen with the privacy that he/ she deserves. In case the authorities want to arrest the person, they are bound by constitution to provide an arrest warrant. Also, in the situation of investigations, the authorities must also provide a search warrant that allows them to legally search a person’s property. As opposed to other countries, the American citizens have their rights to privacy respected by the authorities.
Advantages of this rights and freedoms
The freedoms and rights have proved to be beneficial over time. This is because it has helped in shaping the society hence ensuring comfort ability of every individual. A free society has contributed to the following:-
Economic growth
Public freedom is a necessity for the economic prosperity of a given state. This is because the public would have the liberty to carry out their day to day activities without restrictions. Such freedom would attract investment in various sectors of the economy hence resulting into growth of the economy.
Moreover, an environment without public freedom contributes to activism from some organizations. This would result to public demonstrations and protests against the government hence leading to decline in economic activities. However, a satisfied public would spend more time in nation building thus contributing to the growth of the economy.
Choosing of good leaders
As stated by David Fischer, “Freedom gives room for the practice of democracy which in essence results to choosing of a good leadership”[4] (Fischer 67). This is done through a free, fair and transparent election where the stakeholders become satisfied with the results. Also, freedom allows the citizens to participate in self governorship; as opposed to the tyrannical rule experienced in some third world countries. The seasonal change of leaders allows new ideas of prosperity to be implemented.
Social satisfaction
Freedom to make independent decision contributes to personal satisfaction and happiness. In a study carried out in the American rehabilitation centers, it was found out that the inmates were less happy compared to the rest of the free people. This research was done putting all factors such as food, bedding etc constant while limiting only freedom. In addition, the research further found out that free people are more innovative that the inmates. This led to the conclusion that freedom is an essential part of a human social life.
Disadvantages of freedoms to the American society
Political unrest
If misused, the freedoms accorded to people can lead to political and social unrest. For example, the freedom of speech can result into expression of racial messages or can lead to riots. The freedom of speech has been the cause of many riots in the universities because of relaying of incorrect messages to the public.
Public expectation on freedom
Even though the government has done much in ensuring the individual freedoms are respected, the American citizens still feel that the government has to do more. Os Guinness states that, “ many Americans are optimistic that the government would provide more services to the public”[5] (Guinness 121)They anticipate to be allowed to have the freedom to access quality free medical care from the public institutions. Also, they hope for a day in which they would have the freedom to access free education right from the kindergarten to the university.
 In conclusion, freedom is enhanced by respect and diversity between two people or even more. Individual freedoms have been fully stated by the American constitution hence allowing for protection of civilians. The American citizens are therefore accorded the freedom of religion, freedom of movement, freedom of speech, freedom of press and the freedom to democratically elect leaders. These freedoms have resulted into economic growth, political stability and social satisfaction of the society. Even though analysts claim that in some instances freedom of speech may result into political unrest, these can be regulated to ensure harmony in the society. Therefore, freedom in America can be summarized to mean; living in a society where a person’s potential is realized because the government has created a suitable environment.


[1] Reed, Amar. The bill of rights: creation and reconstruction. New haven: Yale university publisher. April 2000. Print
[2] Landau, Elaine. The civil rights movement in America. New York: Children’s press. 2003. Print 

[3]Bush, George. & Hakim, Joy. Freedom: a history of US. New York: Oxford university press. November 2002. Print

[4] Fischer, David. Liberty and freedom: a visual history of America’s founding ideas. New York: Oxford university press. 2006. Print

[5] Guinness, Os. A free people’s suicide: sustainable freedom and the American future. Westmont, Illinois: Intervarsity press publishers. July 23, 2012. Print

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