Scientific Proofs of Global Warming
Global warming is
the gradual increase in the atmospheric temperatures caused by the increase in
carbon dioxide emissions which retains the heat from the sun thus increasing
the temperatures of the surrounding environment. Indeed, since the industrial
revolutions; large combustion of fossil fuels has resulted into the
accumulation of these gases since the natural mechanism of converting carbon
dioxide to oxygen has been overwhelmed. Even though suggestions from different
stakeholders give conflicting sets of data, the following are the scientific
proofs of global warming:
Reduction of Glacial Levels in the Polar Regions
The continued rise
of temperature in the earth has resulted into the melting away of glaciers in
the Polar Regions and high mountains. These regions were once characterized
with very low temperatures but are currently slightly warmer hence proving the
increase in temperature. The melting away of polar ice results in the rising of
the sea level often proved by the discovery of ancient towns completely
submerged in oceans.
Heat Waves and Wild Fires
Global warming has
resulted into the destruction of the ozone layer: which is a protective layer
of air that limits the sun’s rays. Therefore, the destruction of this layer
exposes the earth to direct rays from the sun which results into heat waves and
wild forest fires. This phenomenon is often occurs in Australia and leads to
large scale destruction of property.
Shift of Tropical Diseases to Temperate Regions
The high
temperatures experienced in the tropical regions attract several diseases such
as malaria, typhoid and cholera. For a long time, these diseases were
restricted to the regions along the equator: however; the shift of warm temperature
have influence the spread of this diseases to other regions. Trevor argues that
global warming has resulted to provision of favorable conditions for the
thriving of harmful micro-organisms in temperate regions.
Expansion of Deserts
A desert is known
to be one of the hottest and dry regions of the earth without vegetation. In
the recent statistics, the world deserts are currently expanding due to the
increased temperature of the surrounding regions. For example, the Sahara
desert in North Africa is said to be expanding at an accelerated rate of
100meters every year.
Harsh Weather Conditions
The increase in
world temperatures caused by global warming has led to harsh weather conditions
throughout the world. In the recent past, more severe cyclones have hit
different places resulting to loss of lives and property. Also, the low lying
areas have been constantly experienced flooding caused by heavy rains in the
highlands. Gavin Schmidt and Joshua Wolfe concluded that; it is indeed due to
the occurrence of extra energy from high temperatures that leads to harsh
weather conditions.
In conclusion,
global warming has resulted in the overall increase in the earth’s
temperatures. This can be proved by the expansion of deserts, occurrence of
harsh weather conditions, rise of the sea level, reduced glaciers in the Polar
Regions, heat waves, wild fires and the shift of tropical diseases to the
temperate areas. In order for us to save our planet from the negative effects
of global warming; we need to come up with initiatives of combating this
menace. This can be done with each individual participating in the efforts of
reducing global warming.
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