Tuesday 28 April 2015

Beginner’s Guide to blogging

So, you want to start a blog huh? Great idea!
But…how the heck do you get started? There’s so much info out there on the web, and everyone’s telling you to do different things. Who do you listen to? Where’s the starting point?
Damnit, maybe you should just forget it – it’s too confusing!
Well, hold up. I used to be a blogging newbie too. I had the same problems. I started my blog (BloggingBasics101.com) back in 2006, and I knew less than nothing about blogging. In fact it was only the week before I’d learnt what a blog was.
Now I know a ton about them, and my blog’s doing pretty well – I receive more than 200,000 unique visitors per month which makes me consider myself someone you could listen to and learn from when it comes to building your own blog. I’m not some sort of Guru, but I certainly do know the basics.
I promise it’ll be simple, relatively easy, and definitely easy to understand (no stupid jargon). Sound good? Awesome, let’s move on.

Why you should create a blog and join the blogging community

So below, I’m going to outline exactly what you need to do to get started and set up your own personal blog. Before we dive in though, I really want to talk about WHY you should start a blog.
Note: If you already have a solid idea of the whys, then skip this and go right ahead with the guide.
  1. Blogging has quickly become one of the most popular ways of communicating and spreading information and news. There are literally millions of blogs online (don’t worry, you can make yours stand out and get noticed!).
  2. It’s a great way to express yourself and also a fantastic way to share information with others.
  3. You become a better person and a better writer.
  4. The best reason? You can make money doing it!
I bet you already knew all of that, but it’s nice to be reminded.
One very last thing before we get started:
Creating your own blog can take a little while, probably up to 30 minutes. So grab yourself a coffee or juice (whatever you fancy) and let’s get stuck in. If you need any help during the set-up process, get in touch with me here and I’ll help as best I can and answer any questions you might have).

1 comment:


    According to some, men must be born of natural birth to enter the kingdom of God. There are many who declare that Jesus said you must be born of the water (amniotic fluid) to enter the kingdom of God. What did Jesus say?

    John 3:5 Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

    Was Jesus saying you must be born of natural birth (amniotic fluid) to enter the kingdom of God? Of course not.

    Men do need to be born of the waters of baptism to enter the kingdom of God.

    On the Day of Pentecost (2:22-41) the apostle Peter preached Jesus as a miracle worker. Peter preached Jesus as both Lord and Christ. Peter told them that God raised Jesus from the dead. When the three thousand believed, they where told to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins and that they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. After the three thousand received Peter's word they were baptized in water and added the the kingdom of God on earth, which is the church of Christ.
    Peter did not tell one soul that they had to be born of natural birth (amniotic fluid) to enter the kingdom of God. The church is the kingdom of God on earth. The requirements for entering the kingdom of God on earth are the same as for entering the eternal kingdom of God. You must be born of water and the Spirit.

    The new birth (Acts 2:38) Water baptism and the Holy Spirit.
    The new birth (Titus 3:5) Washing of regeneration (water baptism) and renewing of the Holy Spirit (born of the Spirit).
    The new birth (John 3:5) Born of water(water baptism), and born of the Spirit (the Holy Spirit).

    Posted by Steve Finnell at 1:42 AM No comments:
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